Planning and protecting regions

Current events constantly remind us that we have to cope with extreme natural and climatic events that are dangerous for the population and destructive for infrastructure. Climate change is marked by an increase in the intensity and frequency of these events. Our regions must adapt to prevent and foresee these hazards. In addition, mobility generates externalities (air, soil and water pollution, noise, undesirable impacts on spaces and biodiversity) that should be avoided, mitigated or offset. This is the challenge facing the development of urban areas: reconciling the growing need for space, mobility, supply and energy with the need to protect the population and the environment from pollution and natural or malicious hazards.

IFSTTAR makes an important contribution to research on these issues. In order to better prevent and foresee natural hazards and environmental damage, the Institute's research deals with the prevention of natural hazards, noise pollution, pollution of urban areas or the air and water, floods, extreme heat events, energy management and urban development. It is conducted by multidisciplinary teams working in partnership with other public institutions.