Efficient transport and safe travel

Mobility and safety issues, which are central to IFSTTAR's research, are addressed by Theme 1. The aim is to achieve "efficient transport and safe travel". The purpose of this theme is to encourage the development of ways of attaining land transport/travel capacities that meet society's expectations, i.e. that are more reliable, more energy-efficient, safe and responsible, and suitable for all people and goods. Three topics were addressed in 2017: digital technology and mobility, road safety and the human consequences of accidents, the development of services and their uses

Mobility systems are crucial for the functioning of modern societies, and they must become more energy efficient, more reliable and resilient while integrating technologically innovative components. They must also make the effort to understand the consequences of the automation of transport systems. 2017 was a particularly eventful year with the National Mobility Consultation. This demonstrated that IFSTTAR's research preferences were very sound. The acceleration of innovation and the digital revolution was the subject of the More Connected Mobility workshop, where the results from 2017 were presented. The exercise of documenting the concerns of French people, innovative service offerings and stakeholder preferences provides a broad and comprehensive view of future avenues for research on mobility and its future.