Support for public policies
IFSTTAR engages in fruitful discussions with its supervisory ministries in order to initiate research projects and share the results.
An agreement has been signed with the DGITM (French General Directorate for Infrastructure, Transport and Maritime Affairs at the Ministry for an Ecological and Solidary Transition) to the tune of €110k to support research projects of direct interest to the MTES. The DSR (Road Safety Commission) financed 4 projects in 2017 and issued a call for projects in November 2017.
Research results are shared within the framework of the Scientific and Technical Network during discussion days, such as the technical road days, and other similar events on bridges, geotechnical engineering, noise and vibrations as well as the transport and trip study days.
In 2017, transfer seminars were organised to facilitate links between researchers and research users, in particular the Ministries' Directorates-General. Seven "meetings" that took very different forms were organised, in small groups to discuss an issue in greater depth or in larger seminars. They focused on the reliability of transport systems (with the DGITM and DST), living with autonomous vehicles (DGITM), the mobility consultation as well as eco-materials and bio-sourced materials (DGALN: Directorate General for Planning, Housing and Nature) or pollution (DGEC: Directorate General for Energy and Climate) and the sound environment consultation (DGPR: Directorate General for Risk Prevention).
External demands and opportunities
Support for public policies also relies on external demands and opportunities. For example, in collaboration with INRA, the Institute has conducted a joint study on urban land uptake (ESCO artificialisation des sols) at the request of MTES, ADEME and the MAA (Ministry of Agriculture and Food).
Support for public policies can also take more ad-hoc forms, for example the participation of numerous researchers and engineers from IFSTTAR in the National Mobility Consultation, or in the public debates organised by the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP). One example is the two researchers from IFSTTAR who took part in the public debate on the projects to extend the port of Dunkirk.
An action plan has been approved in order to consolidate, clarify and coordinate our activities in support of public policies. In 2017, it led to practical information (dates, procedures) being posted on the Intranet for project leaders wishing to submit their projects to ministries. Our survey of actions in support of public policies using the SI Research tool is under way and this information will eventually be made available on the Institute’s website