15,6 M€
Revenue in 2017 from contracts for research (excluding the Sense-City and Transpolis projects)
Revenue in 2017 from contracts for research (excluding the Sense-City and Transpolis projects)
Total value of orders notified in 2017
Orders notified in 2017
Success in July 2017 of the I-Street project financed by ADEME to the tune of €3.7 million
Revenue of the Sense-City project in 2017: €142k
out of total funding from the ANR of €8.99 million
Agreement on the part of the Lyon area local authorities to provide the project with €9.3 million of funding
contracts completed
ongoing contracts
55 ongoing H2020 contracts including :
8 contracts signed in 2017 for a value of €2,063,886
contracts in 2017 which received more than €200k of aid: 1BPI, 1 ADEME, 3 ANR, 3 DAC, 3 Industrial, 5 European