
The Institute's scientific life is guided by the desire to respond to the major challenges facing society in terms of transport, mobility, safety, planning and the environment.

These issues were defined by the new Goals and Performance Contract (COP 2017 – 2021) which came into force in 2017. Themes 1 and 2 extend the challenges of the 2012 scientific strategy on mobility and infrastructure, and challenges 3 and 4 on the environment and regions are refocussed within the same theme which deals with the protection and development of regions. In addition to the three scientific themes, the 4th theme aims to encourage and promote scientific excellence and technology transfer within the institute.

The scientific results relating to these three themes for 2017 are presented in the second part of this activity report. 

Les axes du COP

Goal 1

Improving the reliability of passenger and freight transport for all modes and purposes, with well-managed costs and externalities

Goal 2

Enhancing the safety and ergonomics of transport, for mobility that is stress-free and respectful of human life

Goal 3

Making progress with regard to multimodal, intelligent, clean and seamless systems and services

Goal 4

Modifying infrastructure, at the lowest possible cost, in response to climate change and new operating and maintenance requirements,

Goal 5

Helping to build a circular construction economy by increasing the use of renewable materials and alternative biomaterials,

Goal 6

Developing new generations of transport and energy production infrastructure that take account of the energy transition

Goal 7

Foreseeing natural and climate risks in order to improve the resilience of cities and regions, reduce their vulnerability and protect the population 

Goal 8

Understanding, evaluating and streamlining the interactions between infrastructure, transport services and planning policies, as well as their impacts on the environment and the population

Goal 9

Helping to implement sustainable regional planning, especially in urban areas.

Goal 10

Creating conditions that foster excellence in research 

Goal 11

Sharing scientific and technical output, knowledge and know-how

Goal 12

Increasing the Institute’s contributions to innovation

[Translate to Anglais:] Le contrat d’objectifs et de performance 2017 - 2021_img


Goals and Performance Contract 2017 - 2021 - integral version [.pdf]