TAP 2017
15-16 November
TAP 2017 : International Transport and Air Pollution
IFSTTAR signs an agreement with the World Bank
15 November
Signing of a framework agreement between the World Bank and IFSTTAR on pollutant emissions from transport.
Rencontres des Savoirs
21 November
Knowledge encounters
“Digital technology for sustainable cities?
Sense-City, an example of a reduced scale digital city”
Géorail 2017
23-24 November
Géorail: First international symposium in the geotechnical issues facing railways, Paris.
23-24 November
FUTURE Days : co-building the city of tomorrow.
Assises nationales de la qualité de l’environnement sonore
27-29 November
8th Sound environment consultation.
L’atelier logistique urbaine
28 November
Urban logistics workshop organised as part of the National Mobility Consultation in the presence of the Transport Minister, Élisabeth Borne.
29 November
Awards for the I-STREET “Road of the Future” call for projects.
Séminaire de connaissance réciproque
29-30 November
Mutual understanding seminar at IFSTTAR’s Villeneuve d'Ascq site.